

Legally adopted, not able to come home.  Babies, toddlers, and school-aged children, unable to be with their families that love them with every fiber of their being.    To anyone involved or touched by this horrible situation, this is daily life, the daily ache of not having a family member home to share life events with.  

About two hundred members of the US Congress signed a letter addressed directly to the Senate and the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This direct reach-out to fellow lawmakers in DRC is powerful, and important for all adoptive families. Lawmakers in DRC are a small, elite group in an extraordinarily poor country.  However, they ALL have families members and friends  studying, living, and working in both Europe and North America. Many have significant business and personal concerns in European countries and the United States.  This means relationships with U.S. lawmakers matter both personally and professionally.

Here is the link to locate and contact your lawmakers who signed.

If your Senators or Representative signed it, please call, e-mail, and write with your heartfelt thanks.  Substantial work has gone into this effort, and in order to keep attention on this cause, sincerest thanks must be given.  These children are stories and faces to them now, and they must remain in the forefront with their assistance.

Free Teleconference: Adopting from Hungary

Andrea | Tuesday, November 04, 2014 | 0 Comments
FREE TELECONFERENCE: Adopting from Hungary, Wednesday, 11/5/14, 7:30pm CST. 

Why Hungary?  I think all of our families who have adopted from Hungary would say they cannot picture any program best set up for transitioning a child into the family! 

We will discuss: children available, bonding process, exceptional foster care in the country, and parent criteria. This program continues to exceed family expectations - we'd love to share it with you! 

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